This is my second post of the same book that i read. But this time i'm done with the book.
I really liked the whole book. If you want a book where you know that you are going to laugh, you must choose this book. I think you know what this book is all about but I can tell you more about what happened in the last pages. Rodrick wich is the main characters brother have a rockband and want to be rich and get famous so he and his band decides to join the ``School Talent Show´´ and he also ask his mom if she can tape them and then upload it to the internet.
Well, Rodricks band practice and practice in his basement the whole days until it is time for the talent show.
Gregs friend Rowley will also be in the talent show and he will be with a first grader, doing a magic show but when Rowley slept over at Gregs house, Greg had left a stonebrick undreneath a pillow and when Rowley returned from the toilet he kicked the pillow and his footbone broke. Now Greg needs to take Rowleys place in the talent show.
If you read the book you will see what will happen.
I really recomend this book for you.
//Alonso B
This book sounds fun, did you get it from the school library?