The writer, Steve Vander Ark, is the creator and founder of the HP Lexicon - the wizarding world's "Wikipedia". He has collected information from all around the world to form his educational and fascinating web encyclopaedia together.
In 2008 he decided that it was time for his network ideas to be printed in black and white.
"In search of Harry Potter" almost like a guidebook or travelbook describing all of the different and unique places in Great Britain from the Harry Potter stories. Steve Vander Ark himself travels around the whole British country, he goes to the capital city, London, to find Grimmauld Place, Little Whinging and of course the infamous platform nine and three quarters. He makes a journey to The West Country to discover The Burrow and the former Quidditch pitches. At the end of the book, on Vander Ark's final voyage, he goes on a serach for the bewitching Hogwarts Castle. If you want to know if he found it, it is better you reading the book, rather than me telling you the whole ending! :)
I was the first to order in the book to my local library, so eager I was to open the pages and completely devour the book. My high expectations were confirmed as I finished the book, it was all I wanted from it - to find the magic among all those places as Steve Vander Ark illustrated so thoroughly, and I did find it - the enchanting magic!
//Marta Kruhlinskaya 7e
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