The spook's- Apprentice is a great book if you like fantacy and a rough battle between good and evil. It is not a childish book and i really reccomend it. The Swedish title of the book is 'Väktarens- Lärling'. The spook's- Apprentice is the first of 6 books of the serie. The book is written by the auther Joseph Delaney and the settings is based on his home town in England.
It is about 13 year old Tom how lives on a farm with his large family. Because he is the seventh son of the seventh son he can see things other people can't. A beautiful day when every thing was nearly perfect a stranger walked on the Wrad's propperty. But what Tom didn't know was that that man was the man who would change his life forever.
The man's name was Mr. Jhon Gregory a man who hade a terrible job which Tom now had to take over. His job was to protect the world from gohsts, gasts, boggarts and witches. And now Tom has to go and be Mr. Gregory's apprentice to prepare him for all the evil that is about to happen in the world.
The first book you get to learn the best way to burn the skin of a witch and how to avoid the deathful claws of an boggart. You learn these things at the same time Tom dose, and in the other books, you can read about how he uses them.
haha bra elvis