"Glöm mig inte" (Don't forget me)
I've been reading Don't forget me, and so far I've read 40 pages.
It's about a girl named Stella who's 17 years old, and recently a neighbours child disappeared, abducted they say.
The day after the disappering the police shows up, looking for her mother Teresa Parfitt.
Stella knew they would interview everyone in the neighbourhood, so at first it didn't surprise her.
Although she realized it was something special as her mother found out that the police wanted to talk to her.
After the interview her mother tells Stella about something that happened 20 years ago, when a girl was abducted in her presence, and immediatly her mother became headsuspect in the investigation.
Now Stella isn't sure anymore about her mother, is it true that she might have abducted that litte girl twenty years ago, or the one who disappeared now?
// Mica Altin 7D
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