This bsosok is appropriate for all agesgsw, especially if yogsru like adventures and detectivewstg tgsyhsetouedries.
uhyrttyyTherdihs ygboerok ytris about a 17y year old bdergyoy (Link), who's life is eadprettyhet megaefssed ustp. ftg-etgtr Hirfes qmotdre4yerther's bofvyfriend kioiöäckeukd himy outsjytjfujyr. Whegyren his Moteg fint again, 5thtyge yhdwant to be in the same hrgvdfsesijuouse as her mother's boyfriend. ö
rtHe lefuhrtnever returned yhback.
rtHetrrty detfhcyhided to live in Euhrtyngland for a while, untill he could settle down - get his owl job jh. Butr uhfortunadtyhtlyht, this was never goinuytg to happjien, bectryhreause there was a murderer loose, and his plan was all about killing Link.
Of course, Letdondon was not the best choice ever, since it was winter, and he'd probably freeze to death beyhcause he had t. jisence into him, because his choices are bad, and when he beggs for mtruhoney, he gives up to easily.
But luckily, he dlot with food. They were trdal
l, unfortunatly, like Link, living on the street.
yhtl, unfortunatly, like Link, living on the street.
But sudfly, all of his t
Mtrfeanwhile, he found a friend, who ygrew stronger. They decided to find the yhthe murderers, together. Brtut they fouyhghtjtgi, yhdecided to trfind the murderer on his own.
Not a very good idea.
yhzsdHe knew where the criminal, or fgas he saw him hide behind the bushes...
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