This is a swedish book and it's called Measlle Stubs och Vredesmunken, I don't know what it's called in english so I went on Translate and it said that it was called Measle Stubbs and the angry monk..???
I like this book very much.
Measle Stubbs is a boy who lives with his parents in a nice little house but across the street there lives a wierd man. It's Measles Uncle but Measle dosen't know him. The only thing he does know about his uncle is that he never talks to enyone after his wife died.
His uncles house is painted in black and there's always a dark raincloud over his house.
The raincloud follows his uncle wherever he goes..
One day his parents dies in a car crash (I think) so Measle have to live with his uncle. He's uncle get's all the money from his parents and he dosen't even give Measle a dollar. His uncle is very mean to him and Measle can only sleep on the dirty floor in the kitchen.
He don't get eny food and he never showers, that's why Measle is really thin and smells. His uncle is also very thin and pale.
One day his uncle takes Measle to his attic and when Measle sees the huge playtown of wood he really wishes that he could play with it, but of course he's not allowed.
One day Measle is in the kitchen and see's the telephone and get's an idea.
He calls he's uncles mobilephone and his uncle walks slowly to his phone (because he was eating doughnuts with pink milk), Measle tells his uncle that he have to come to the bank and talk about the money that is left from Measles parents.
His uncle curses and goes to the bank.
Measle runs up to the attic and sees the playtown and the doughnuts with a bottle of pink milk.
Measle first takes one doughnut, and then another and then alot of pink milk. Measle didn't think of how much doughnuts he had taken so he looked at the box where the doughtnuts where and it was empty! The milk bottle was also empty.
He decided to not think about it right now because that would waste his "play" time.
He looked at his uncles playtown and saw that the figures in the town looked really real.
There was a kid, a man fixing the lights and a old lady with a small dog.
Measle heard footsteps. Measle didn't have any wear to hide.
He heard that someone stopped outside the door.
Measle decided to hide behind the door and sneak out when his uncle wasn't looking but that never happend.
His uncle open the door and looked straight at Measle and said:
-Why are you in here Meassssssle? You know you shouldn't be here.
Measle hated the way that his uncle talked. He always sounded lake a snake.
-I am very sorr...
Measle didn't finish his sentence because his uncle had started to count.
-Three, four and five.
His uncle said a spell and Measle started to shrink.
Measle shrunk even more until he was so small like the dolls in the playtown.
His uncle put Measle on the table of wood, laughed and walked away.
I want to wright more about this book but I can't because I will wright to much.